Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Binks

Happy Birthday to The Binkster!

Ten years ago today, Binks entered this world.  I blogged about her birthday last year and showed a picture of when she was born. . .the one where she looks like an alien.  But today, I'm putting up a recent picture of her and her "I'm kind of a big deal" T-shirt.  For those who need catching up, I created the pug, The Binkster, as a character in my debut mystery, CANDLE APPLE RED, before I actually found the real deal.  She's my first ever dog, and it's just crazy that she's already ten!

BTW, I have a few extra T-shirts left over: mediums and XXL's.  (Sad to say, the larges and XL's are long gone.)  If you are interested, go to my website -- -- and write a message in my guest book with what size you would like and your snail mail address for shipping. There aren't tons of T-shirts left, but I'll send them out till they're gone.

And again, Happy Birthday, Binks!  You're the best!


  1. Happy Birthday Binkster! Hope it was a pugalicious day!

  2. Hi Nancy,
    I've been up most of the night browsing for books to read.....and i couldn't help but crave the next book in line for the jane kelly series! any updates on when we can expect it? absolutely love that series and really hope to read more! :))
    ...and a happy belated to binks!
