Tuesday, July 31, 2012

NOWHERE TO RUN. . .except to the bookstore

Okay, it's finally here, my next thriller: NOWHERE TO RUN.  When John, my editor, suggested I write two books that would be published back-to-back, I thought, "Great idea!" and then when I went to write those books and found myself speeding past deadlines with the velocity of a bullet train, I thought, "Yeah, whose brilliant idea was this again?"  But. . .voila they're finally here!  NOWHERE TO RUN is available TODAY, and NOWHERE TO HIDE will debut August 28th.  And yes, John, you are brilliant.


  1. Nancy, the page with all your book covers on it is surely colorful. That would be pretty to copy and frame for your wall.

  2. Just finished 'Nowhere to Run' and I'm definitely looking forward to September's story.
