Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Binks!

All of you who've read any of my Jane Kelly mysteries -- CANDY APPLE RED, ELECTRIC BLUE and ULTRA VIOLET -- know the story of The Binkster, the pug that is thrust upon Jane in Book I. In CAR -- the acronym for CANDY APPLE RED, for all you texters -- Jane spends a great deal of time trying to fob the dog off on anyone who'll take her. Her attempts fail miserably and she finds herself eventually, reluctantly, falling for the little beast who's joined her world.

I'd always liked pugs. They're just so humanoid-looking and funny. I first put The Binkster into CAR many moons ago, during the book's first incarnation, and I really liked having the dog in the story. So much so, in fact, that I decided to go out and get one of my own. I'd never had a dog before. So, after I wrote The Binkster into the plot, I told my husband my plan to get a pug. He was very succinct about what he thought of that plan. I ignored him and started my pug search. When I found the perfect Binks, I asked my husband to come and see for himself. He said no. So, I asked if divorce were imminent, should I bring the pug home. He said no, again, though it took a while for the word to actually pass his lips.

It's been NINE YEARS since that day. Binkster was born on May 10th, 2002 and when we brought her home it took about three seconds for her to win over my husband. They've been the best of pals ever since, and I've even occasionally succumbed to pangs of jealousy over their bonding. But I wouldn't change anything really. Happy Birthday to you, Binks. We love you!

Baby Binkster
Too Much Birthday Fun
What'd you put in the milk?

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