Okay, WICKED LIES is pretty much all I know anymore. For the past ten days my sister and I have been stumping our latest co-written book hard on radio and satellite television. Our efforts seem to have paid off as last week the book reached #18 on the New York Times bestseller list and #16 on USA Today's! Yay!
What I have learned:
1. I used to have a writing career but the amount of words I'm committing toward paper/word processing has diminished proportionately with the amount I've been TALKING about writing.
2. I suspect it is a cosmic joke that now, when I could really use some horrible weather to keep me inside, the sun has finally decided to come out.
3. My sister knows way more about what kind of makeup to use to look good on television. I sort of stopped learning after 'beach makeup'. She has promised me a shopping trip to purchase said new product. I fear this may mean I'll encounter salespeople behind the makeup counter with enough blue eye shadow to give a Cirque du Soleil performer pause.
But....I really could use her help, so I'll keep those thoughts to myself....and to my blog.
Check out WICKED LIES!